Others Exemplary life
A Jesuit Martyrology of the 20th Century
Archbishop Oscar Romero
Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-80)
Archbishop Oscar Romero
Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin by By John Bookser Feister
Bishop Theodore George Romzha
Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
Cora Pereira
Dorothy Day
Father Angelus M. Shaughnessy
Father Augustus Tolton
Father Augustus Tolton
Francis of Bassost
Bernardine Colpetrazzo
Father Georges Finet
Father Joseph DePiro
Father Joseph of Dreux
Father Leonard of Chatres
Father Michael McGivney
Father Nelson Baker- Servant of God
Father Segundo Llorente. S.J
Father Solanus Casey
Solanus Casey
Father Peter Friedhofen, Founder of the Brothers of Mercy
Gerard Manley Hopkins
John Cardinal O'Connor
Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
Marthe Robin
Mother Mary Magdalen Bentivoglio
Mother Mary Magdalen Bentivoglio
Mother Mary Teresa of Saint Joseph founder of Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
Mother Thecla Merlo
Padre Pio Foundation of America
Rudol Fallers
Sister Matilde Bassano
Thomas Merton